Advisory Board

The PAVE Advisory Board (AB) was not an official part of the consortium, but its input for strategic decisions has been valuable on a consultative level throughout the project. The AB was invited to join the project meetings to give targeted input on the project progress. Renowned scientists and stakeholders from the MENA region and the Balkans were chosen to complement the consortium’s expertise and to maximise the benefits of the project. See below who supported the implementation of PAVE as members of the Advisory Board:

  • H.E. Dr. Mustafa Ceric

    H.E. Dr. Mustafa Ceric

    A native to Bosnia-Herzegovina, Dr. Ceric is the President of the World Bosniak Congress as well as an active member in many local and international scientific organizations and societies such as: The Inter-religious Council of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Executive Committee of the European Council of Religious Leaders, International Commission for Peace Research, UNESCO. Dr. Ceric is a Special Adviser to Sheikh Abdallah bin Bayyah, President of the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies.

    Dr. Ceric was elected in 1993 to the position of the Grand Mufti of Bosnia, the Supreme Head of the Islamic Community of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Dr. Ceric held this position from 1993 until 2012.

    Dr. Ceric is an advocate of cross-cultural engagement as well as a peace activist. In 2003, he received the UNESCO Peace Award together with Cardinal Etchegaray. In 2006, he issued the "Declaration of European Muslims" to the European Union stating that European Muslims are dedicated to the common values of law, tolerance, democracy and human rights, the value of life, faith, freedom, property, and dignity. He was reelected as at the Honorary President, "Religions for peace" at 10th World Assembly in Lindau, Germany, 20-23 August 2019.

    List of References:

    • Ceric, M. (2019) A Dialectical Spiritualism of Assisi & Cairo, Past & Present (Foreword to the book “Un uomo chiamato Franscesco” by Nedda Alberghini, 2019).
    • Ceric, M. (2008) Towards a Muslim Social Contract in Europe. The Association of Muslim Social Scientists.
    • Ceric, M. (2007) The challenge of a single Muslim Authority in Europe. Centre for European Studies.
    • Ceric, M., Jean Arnault Dérens, Arnaud Danjean (2007) The Declaration of European Muslims. Cités 32(4):119-134.
    • Ceric, M. (1995) Roots of Synthetic Theology in Islam: A Study of the Theology of Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d.333/944). Kuala Lumpur International Institution of Islamic Thought and Civilization.
  • Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid

    Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid

    Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid is a Judge and an Imam based in Beirut, Lebanon. Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zaid is the Chairman of the Sunni court of Saida in Lebanon as well as the senior Judge in the Family court of Saida, Lebanon since 2010. He is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence and the leader of a local mosque. Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid is a member and activist in several Lebanese NGOs concerned with culture, education, development, relief, peace building and reconciliation. He was a member of the Writing Committee of the “Kuwait Encyclopedia for the Islamic World and Muslim Minorities” from 2011 until 2013.

    Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid received his PhD from the Higher Institute for Islamic studies. He is an academic researcher and lecturer who lectured at several Lebanese and American universities. He published 18 books and a wide range of studies in Arabic related to issues of: Jihad and Islamic extremism, peace building and reconciliation from an Islamic perspective, contemporary Islamic thought, law, and Islamic-Christian dialogue. Several of his works have been translated to English.

    List of References:

    • Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid, What About Minorities, (further information missing).
    • Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid, The America I have seen (Sponsored by “World Vision”, USA).
    • Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid, Copenhagen in Arabic eyes (Sponsored by “Danmission”, Danmark).
    • Sheikh Mohamed Abu Zaid, From The Heart of the Syrian Crisis (Adyan Foundation, 2015).
  • Prof. Mohammed Abu-Nimer

    Prof. Mohammed Abu-Nimer

    Prof. Abu-Nimer is a Senior Advisor to KAICIID and a professor at the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C. ​At the International Peace and Conflict Resolution program, he served as Director of the Peacebuilding and Development Institute (1999-2013). He has conducted interreligious conflict resolution training and interfaith dialogue workshops in conflict areas around the world, including Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Chad, Niger, Iraq (Kurdistan), Philippines (Mindanao), and Sri Lanka. He also founded the Salam Institute for Peace and Justice, an organization that focuses on capacity building, civic education, and intrafaith and interfaith dialogue. In addition to his numerous articles and books, Dr. Abu-Nimer is the co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development. As an expert on conflict resolution and dialogue for peace, Dr. Abu-Nimer has conducted research on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and on the application of conflict resolution models in Muslim communities. Being an experienced conflict resolution practitioner, Mohammed Abu-Nimer has worked in numerous war-zone areas, within formal negotiation settings as well as with community leaders and civil society groups.

    List of References:

    • Abu-Nimer, M. (co-edited with Dr. Sultan Barakat). On localizing peacebuilding in Islamic Context. A special issue of Journal of Peacebuilding and Development (forthcoming 2020).
    • Abu-Nimer, M. (2020). Culture of Encounter: The Path of Interreligious Dialogue. In Mario Torres Jarrín, (Ed.). The Culture of Encounter. International Relations: Interreligious Dialogue, and Peace: European Institute Of International Studies Stockholm-Sweden.
    • Abu-Nimer, M. (2018). A Way Forward in Transforming Violent Extremism, De-Islamisation, De-Securitisation, and De-Religionisation. Handbook of Dialogue, 13.
    • Abu-Nimer, M. (2018). Interfaith Dialogue and religious Leaders in the Israeli-Palestinian Context: Needs and Limitations. In Muriel Schmid (ed) (Ed.), Religion, Conflict and Peacemaking: An Interdisciplinary Conversation Utah,: University of Utah Press.
    • Abu-Nimer, M. and Ilham Nasser (2017). “Building peace education in the Islamic educational context” in the International Review of Education. Volume 63, Issue 2, April 2017, pp. 153-167.
  • Prof. Ayhan Kaya

    Prof. Ayhan Kaya

    Ayhan Kaya is Professor of Politics and Jean Monnet Chair of European Politics of Interculturalism at the Department of International Relations, Istanbul Bilgi University; Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence; and a member of the Science Academy, Turkey. He is currently European Research Council Advanced Grant holder (ERC AdG, 2019-2024). He received his PhD and MA degrees at the University of Warwick, England. Kaya was previously a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, Italy, and adjunct lecturer at the New York University, Florence in 2016-2017. He previously worked and taught at the European University Viadrina as Aziz Nesin Chair in 2013, and at Malmö University, Sweden as the Willy Brandt Chair in 2011. He is specialised on European identities, Euro-Turks in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, Circassian diaspora in Turkey, the construction and articulation of modern transnational identities, refugee studies in Turkey, conventional and nonconventional forms of political participation in Turkey, and the rise of populist movements in the EU. Kaya received Turkish Social Science Association Prize in 2003; Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA-GEBİP) Prize in 2005; Sedat Simavi Research Prize in 2005; Euroactiv-Turkey European Prize in 2008, the Prize for the best Text Book given by TÜBA; and the Prize for excellence in teaching at the Department of International Relations, Istanbul Bilgi University in 2013 and 2017.

    List of References:

    • Kaya, A. (2019) Populism and Heritage in Europe. Lost in Diversity and Unity. London: Routledge.
    • Kaya, A. (ed.) (2019) Memory in European Populism. London: Routledge, (with Chiara de Cesari).
    • Kaya, A. (2018) Turkish Origin Migrants and their Descendants: Hyphenated Identities in Transnational Space. London: Palgrave.
    • Kaya, A. (2013) Europeanization and Tolerance in Turkey. London: Palgrave.
    • Kaya, A. (2012) Islam, Migration and Integration: The Age of Securitization. London: Palgrave.
  • Prof. Hilary Pilkington

    Prof. Hilary Pilkington

    Hilary Pilkington is Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester and Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences. She is currently coordinator of the H2020 DARE (Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality) project, which considers the social origins and effects of radicalisation, focusing on young people and on both ‘Islamist’ and ‘anti-Islam(ist)’/extreme right radicalisations. Her book Loud and Proud: Passion and Politics in the English Defence League (Manchester University Press, 2016) won the 2017 BBC Thinking Allowed Ethnography Award. She has recently served as an independent Commissioner on the GMCA Preventing Hateful Extremism and Promoting Social Cohesion Commission, established by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority in the wake of the MEN Arena attack and is currently a member of the Expert Group on UK National Countering Extremism Commission.

    List of References:

    • Pilkington, H. and Miller-Idriss, C. (eds) (2018) Gender and the Radical and Extreme Right: Mechanisms of transmission and the role of educational interventions, London and New York: Routledge.
    • Pilkington, H. (2017) Employing meta-ethnography in the analysis of qualitative data sets: A new tool for transnational research projects? Qualitative Research, May 2017. DOI: 10.1177/1468794117707805;
    • Pilkington, H. (2017) EDL Angels stand beside not behind their men’: the politics of gender and sexuality in an anti-Islam(ist) movement. Gender and Education 29 (2): 238-57.
    • Pilkington, H., Pollock, G. and Franc R. (eds.) (2017) Understanding Youth Participation across Europe: From Survey to Ethnography. Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan.
    • Pilkington, H. (2016) Loud and Proud: Passion and Politics in the English Defence League, (Manchester University Press, winner of the BBC Thinking Allowed Ethnography Award, 2017).
  • Hajer Sharief

    Hajer Sharief

    Hajer Sharief is the co-founder of the ‘Together We Build It’- organisation. An inter-generational organisation working to promote peace and security in Libya. As a human rights advocate and the co-founder of ‘Together We Build It’, Hajer promotes the participation of women and youth in peacebuilding efforts in Libya. She was selected by the UN Secretary-General to serve as a member of the Advisory Group of Experts for the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security mandated by UNSCR 2250. Hajer is also one of the twelve UN Women Champions on Women, Peace, Security and Human Rights.

    Moreover, she has been selected by Kofi Annan to take part in the Extremely Together initiative on Countering Violent Extremism.

    List of References:

    • Sharief, H. (2018) Peace and Security – the Dream of many young people. Vereinte Nationen 5(18): 200.
    • Sharief, H. (2017) Countering Extremism – The Role of women after the Arab Spring. (Speech at 21. Karlsruher Gespräche des ZAK, 4th March 2017).
  • Prof. Tom Sorell

    Prof. Tom Sorell

    Tom Sorell is Professor of Politics and Philosophy and Director of the Interdisciplinary Ethics Research Group at Warwick University. He was an RCUK Global Uncertainties Leadership Fellow (2013-2016), when he worked o the ethics of countering terrorism. He was Tang Chun-I Visiting Professor in Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013. Previously, he was John Ferguson Professor of Global Ethics and Director of the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics, University of Birmingham. Before that he was Co-Director of the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex. In 1996-7 he was Fellow in Ethics at Harvard.

    He has extensive experience of EU Security projects. He co-ordinated the DETECTER project and helped to lead the SURVEILLE project. He also worked as researcher or ethics advisor on SIIP, HECTOS, FASTPASS, and PERICLES. He is Vice-Chair of the UK Home Office Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group; member of the West Midlands Police Data Ethics Group; and is Chair of the West Midlands Police General Ethics Committee.

    List of References:

    • T. Sorell, K. Kadjimatheou, J. Guelke eds. Security Ethics (Ashgate, 2016).
    • T. Sorell, Emergencies and Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
    • T.Sorell, ‘Bulk Collection, Privacy and “Operational Utility” in S. Miller, ed. Intelligence Ethics (forthcoming)
    • T. Sorell, ‘Policing with Big Data: DNA-Matching vs Crime-Prediction’ in K MacNish, ed. Ethics and Big Data (Edinburgh University Press, 2020)
    • T. Sorell, ‘The Ethics of Electronic Monitoring –Penal vs Health Care Contexts, in A Hucklesby ed. Electronic Monitoring (Routledge, forthcoming)
    • T. Sorell, ‘Bulk Collection, Intrusion and Domination’ in Andrew I Cohen ed. Essays in Philosophy and Policy (Rowman and Littlefield, 2018).
    • T. Sorell, ‘Human Rights and Hacktivism’ Journal of Human Rights Practice 7(2015) 391-410.
    • T. Sorell, ‘Preventive Policing, Surveillance and European Counter-Terrorism, Criminal Justice Ethics 30 (2011)1-22.

The PAVE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870769.